Creche Les Petits Potes
Housing building transformationThe mission is part of the contract « Quartier durable Compas » in Anderlecht. It consists in the renovation and the reallocation of the ground floor of a 70's housing building into a valuable nursery.The project consists in opening a nursery divided into 5 sections of 14 children. Thanks to its environmental and social context the project has a key role in the evolution of the neighborood.
- Location: Anderlecht
- Programme: Creche for 70 children
- Surface Area: 1000 m²
- Year: In progress
- Status: Construction
- Association: &sens sprl
- Market: Public
- Client: Town of Anderlecht
- Other: Low energy
The project is :
Ambitious : by taking into account the public space wich has and urban and social impact, by integrating the program in the existing building, witout compromise for the quality of the spaces. The intervention is visible from the public space with the conception of colored items that animate the neighborhood and reflect the function of the building.
Human : by the conception focused on human, both users and inhabitants of the building and of the neighborhood are respected, without any hierarchy.
Adapted and flexible : the project intergrates the environment properly. Each functions is developed in an adapted space, with a flexible use.